
Preimpregnado compuesto de fibra de carbono CF/PEEK continua

Clasificación: Noticias Fecha: 2024-07-20 Volumen De Lectura: 60

1. Good elongation at break and fracture toughness

As a representative of high-performance thermoplastic polymers, PEEK has a fracture toughness of up to 2.0 KJ/m, which is 20 times that of epoxy resin.

2. Excellent anti-delamination and fatigue resistance

PEEK has good impact resistance, and it is one of the heat-resistant resins with excellent impact resistance. At the same time, PEEK has high rigidity, good dimensional stability, small linear expansion coefficient, and excellent long-term anti-creep and anti-fatigue properties.

3. Excellent chemical corrosion resistance

PEEK has excellent chemical corrosion resistance and is highly resistant to acids, alkalis and almost all organic solvents. It is only corroded by halogens and strong acids at high temperatures and is only soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid at room temperature.

4. Excellent moisture and heat resistance

PEEK has low moisture absorption rate and good resistance to moisture and heat. It can still maintain good mechanical properties under high temperature and high humidity. In addition, it has outstanding hydrolysis resistance, low moisture absorption and permeability, and is resistant to steam, water and seawater.

5. Excellent sliding wear and fretting wear

PEEK can maintain high wear resistance and low friction coefficient at 250 ℃.

6. Biocompatibility

Studies have shown that short carbon fiber reinforced PEEK implanted as a prosthetic material in animals has low cytotoxicity, meets the cytotoxicity indicators of medical implant materials, and has good blood compatibility and tissue compatibility.

7. X-ray transparent

PEEK has good transmission properties and does not produce artifacts like metal implants under X-ray and CT examinations, making it easier for patients to undergo medical examinations.


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